JavaScript Cookbook: Programming the Web 3rd Edition. Adam D. Scott, Matthew MacDonald, Shelley Powers
Why reinvent the wheel every time you run into a problem with JavaScript? This cookbook is chock-full of code recipes for common programming tasks, along with techniques for buildi..
JavaScript Everywhere. 1st Ed. Adam D. Scott
JavaScript is the little scripting language that could. Once used chiefly to add interactivity to web browser windows, JavaScript is now a primary building block of powerful and ro..
Kafka in Action, Dylan Scott, Viktor Gamov, Dave Klein
Master the wicked-fast Apache Kafka streaming platform through hands-on examples and real-world projects. In Kafka in Action you will learn: Understanding Apache Kafka concepts Set..
NoSQL. Методология разработки нереляционных баз данных. Мартин Фаулер, Прамодкумар Дж. Садаладж
вящена основным концепциям, включая неструктурированные модели данных, агрегаты, новые модели распределения, теорему САР и отображение-свертку. Во второй части авторы исследуют арх..