Tiny Python Projects. Ken Youens-Clark

Tiny Python Projects. Ken Youens-Clark

Артикул: PB-006672
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  • 650.00грн.

A long journey is really a lot of little steps. The same is true when you're learning Python, so you may as well have some fun along the way! Written in a lighthearted style with entertaining exercises that build powerful skills, Tiny Python Projects takes you from amateur to Pythonista as you create 22 bitesize programs. Each tiny project teaches you a new programming concept, from the basics of lists and strings right through to regular expressions and randomness. Along the way you'll also discover how testing can make you a better programmer in any language.

about the technology

Who says learning to program has to be boring? The 21 activities in this book teach Python fundamentals through puzzles and games. Not only will you be entertained with every exercise, but you'll learn about text manipulation, basic algorithms, and lists and dictionaries as you go. It's the ideal way for any Python newbie to gain confidence and experience.

about the book

The projects are tiny, but the rewards are big: each chapter in Tiny Python Projects challenges you with a new Python program, including a password creator, a word rhymer, and a Shakespearean insult generator. As you complete these entertaining exercises, you'll graduate from a Python beginner to a confident programmer—and you'll have a good time doing it!

Характеристики книги
ISBN 9781617297519
Автор Ken Youens-Clark
Вид переплета Твердый
Год издания 2020
Издательство Manning
Количество страниц 440
Состояние Новое
Язык издания Английский

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