Introduction to Algorithms 4th Edition, Thomas H. Cormen, Ronald L. Rivest, Charles E. Leiserson

Introduction to Algorithms 4th Edition, Thomas H. Cormen, Ronald L. Rivest, Charles E. Leiserson

Артикул: PB-006999
Наличие: В наличии
  • 1 620.00грн.

Some books on algorithms are rigorous but incomplete; others cover masses of material but lack rigor. Introduction to Algorithms uniquely combines rigor and comprehensiveness. It covers a broad range of algorithms in depth, yet makes their design and analysis accessible to all levels of readers, with self-contained chapters and algorithms in pseudocode. Since the publication of the first edition, Introduction to Algorithms has become the leading algorithms text in universities worldwide as well as the standard reference for professionals. This fourth edition has been updated throughout.

New for the fourth edition
  • New chapters on matchings in bipartite graphs, online algorithms, and machine learning
  • New material on topics including solving recurrence equations, hash tables, potential functions, and suffix arrays
  • 140 new exercises and 22 new problems
  • Reader feedback–informed improvements to old problems
  • Clearer, more personal, and gender-neutral writing style
  • Color added to improve visual presentation
  • Notes, bibliography, and index updated to reflect developments in the field
  • Website with new supplementary material
Характеристики книги
Вид переплета Твердый
Год издания 2022
Издательство The MIT Press
Состояние Новое
Страниц 1312 стр.
Тематика Языки и системы программирования
Тип поверхности бумаги Матовая
Тип полиграфической бумаги Офсетная
Язык издания Английский

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