Hugo in Action. Static sites and dynamic Jamstack apps. Atishay Jain

Hugo in Action. Static sites and dynamic Jamstack apps. Atishay Jain

Артикул: PB-007017
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  • 726.00грн.

In Hugo in Action you will learn:

  • Building web pages with Hugo and Jamstack
  • Creating content using Markdown
  • Content management with Hugo
  • Designing new Hugo themes
  • Using the Go template language
  • Managing dependencies with Hugo modules
  • Accessing APIs with Jamstack
  • Adding a shopping cart using JavaScript
  • Content tagging with markup

Sometimes, simple is better. Static websites—sites with fixed content—are easier to create and maintain, and inherently more secure than dynamic pages. Hugo in Action is a hands-on guide to using the Hugo static site engine to render these websites in milliseconds. Working with a complete example website and source code samples, you’ll learn how to build and host a site that will wow users and stay stable without a third-party server. Full coverage of the Jamstack (Javascript, APIs, Markdown) shows how easy it is to add complex features to super-simple sites, including eCommerce shopping carts, dynamic forms, and multilingual options.

about the technology

Because they load pre-built pages, static websites are simple, secure, and incredibly fast. With the Hugo static site generator you can build and render a website in seconds without the grind of hand coding the pages. Hugo takes a directory of content and templates and renders it as a full HTML and CSS website—perfect for blogs, documentation, and other sites that don’t require real-time updates.

about the book

In Hugo in Action you’ll learn step-by-step how to build efficient, low-maintenance static web sites. You’ll use Hugo as a CMS and web development environment, create custom pages, and design your own Hugo themes. And you won’t stop there! Moving beyond the basics, you’ll incorporate the Jamstack model to add capabilities like eCommerce and your own APIs. The result: rich websites that are flexible and incredibly stable.

Характеристики книги
Вид переплета Мягкий
Год издания 2022
Количество страниц 488
Состояние Новое
Тематика Языки и системы программирования
Тип поверхности бумаги Матовая
Тип полиграфической бумаги Офсетная
Язык издания Английский

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