Effective TypeScript: 62 Specific Ways to Improve Your TypeScript 1st Edition. Dan Vanderkam

Effective TypeScript: 62 Specific Ways to Improve Your TypeScript 1st Edition. Dan Vanderkam

Артикул: PB-007360
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  • 650.00грн.

TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript with the potential to solve many of the headaches for which JavaScript is famous. But TypeScript has a learning curve of its own, and understanding how to use it effectively can take time. This book guides you through 62 specific ways to improve your use of TypeScript.

Author Dan Vanderkam, a principal software engineer at Sidewalk Labs, shows you how to apply these ideas, following the format popularized by Effective C++ and Effective Java (both from Addison-Wesley). You’ll advance from a beginning or intermediate user familiar with the basics to an advanced user who knows how to use the language well.

Effective TypeScript is divided into eight chapters:

  • Getting to Know TypeScript
  • TypeScript’s Type System
  • Type Inference
  • Type Design
  • Working with any
  • Types Declarations and @types
  • Writing and Running Your Code
  • Migrating to TypeScript

About the Author

Dan Vanderkam, a principal software engineer at Sidewalk Labs, has built engineering teams and processes for all of its products and spinouts, all of which use TypeScript. He previously worked on open source genome visualizations at Mt. Sinai's Icahn School of Medicine and on search features used by billions of users at Google. He has a long history of working on open source projects, including the popular dygraphs library and source-map-explorer, a tool for visualizing JavaScript code size. He is also a co-founder of the NYC TypeScript meetup.

Характеристики книги
Вид переплета Мягкий
Год издания 2019
Количество страниц 266
Состояние Новое
Страна издания Украина
Тип поверхности бумаги Матовая
Тип полиграфической бумаги Офсетная
Язык издания Английский

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