Azure AI Services at Scale for Cloud, Mobile, and Edge. Building Intelligent Apps with Azure Cognitive Service

Azure AI Services at Scale for Cloud, Mobile, and Edge. Building Intelligent Apps with Azure Cognitive Service

Издательство: Scale
Артикул: PB-006932
Наличие: В наличии
  • 550.00грн.

Take advantage of the power of cloud and the latest AI techniques. Whether you're an experienced developer wanting to improve your app with AI-powered features or you want to make a business process smarter by getting AI to do some of the work, this book's got you covered. Authors Anand Raman, Chris Hoder, Simon Bisson, and Mary Branscombe show you how to build practical intelligent applications for the cloud, mobile, browsers, and edge devices using a hands-on approach.

This book shows you how cloud AI services fit in alongside familiar software development approaches, walks you through key Microsoft AI services, and provides real-world examples of AI-oriented architectures that integrate different Azure AI services. All you need to get started is a working knowledge of basic cloud concepts.

-Become familiar with Azure AI offerings and capabilities

-Build intelligent applications using Azure Cognitive Services

-Train, tune, and deploy models with Azure Machine Learning, PyTorch, and the Open Neural Network Exchange (ONNX)

-Learn to solve business problems using AI in the Power Platform

-Use transfer learning to train vision, speech, and language models in minutes


Simon Bisson is a freelance writer, specializing in enterprise technologies and development. He writes for several publications, including InfoWorld, ZDNet, and Computerworld.

Mary Branscombe has worked as a freelance technology journalist for many publications over three decades. Recently she's specialized in AI, enterprise technology, and development.

Chris Hoder is a Program Manager on the Cognitive Services team at Microsoft. Chris focuses on the end-to-end developer experience across the entire suite of services -- from our API and SDK designs to the getting started documentation. In prior roles, Chris worked directly with customers to envision, design, build and deploy AI-focused applications using Microsoft's AI stack.

Anand Raman leads the program management for AI Services Platform at Microsoft. Previously, he was the chief of staff for the Microsoft Azure AI and Data Group, covering data platforms and machine learning, and ran the company's product management and the development teams for Azure Data Services and the Visual Studio and Windows Server user experience teams; he also worked several years as researcher before joining Microsoft. Anand holds a PhD in computational fluid mechanics.

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Вид переплета Мягкий
Издательство Scale
Состояние Новое
Язык издания Английский

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