AI-First Healthcare. Kerrie L. Holley, Siupo Becker

AI-First Healthcare. Kerrie L. Holley, Siupo Becker

Артикул: PB-006924
Наличие: В наличии
  • 850.00грн.

Book description

AI is poised to transform every aspect of healthcare, including the way we manage personal health, from customer experience and clinical care to healthcare cost reductions. This practical book is one of the first to describe present and future use cases where AI can help solve pernicious healthcare problems.

Kerrie Holley and Siupo Becker provide guidance to help informatics and healthcare leadership create AI strategy and implementation plans for healthcare. With this book, business stakeholders and practitioners will be able to build knowledge, a roadmap, and the confidence to support AIin their organizations—without getting into the weeds of algorithms or open source frameworks.

Cowritten by an AI technologist and a medical doctor who leverages AI to solve healthcare’s most difficult challenges, this book covers:

  • The myths and realities of AI, now and in the future
  • Human-centered AI: what it is and how to make it possible
  • Using various AI technologies to go beyond precision medicine
  • How to deliver patient care using the IoT and ambient computing with AI
  • How AI can help reduce waste in healthcare
  • AI strategy and how to identify high-priority AI application
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