API Design Patterns. JJ Geewax

API Design Patterns. JJ Geewax

Артикул: PB-007338
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  • 820.00грн.

API Design Patterns lays out a set of design principles for building internal and public-facing APIs.

A collection of best practices and design standards for web and internal APIs.

In API Design Patterns you will learn:
  • Guiding principles for API patterns
  • Fundamentals of resource layout and naming
  • Handling data types for any programming language
  • Standard methods that ensure predictability
  • Field masks for targeted partial updates
  • Authentication and validation methods for secure APIs
  • Collective operations for moving, managing, and deleting data
  • Advanced patterns for special interactions and data transformations
API Design Patterns reveals best practices for building stable, user-friendly APIs. These design patterns can be applied to solve common API problems and flexibly altered to fit your specific needs. Hands-on examples and relevant use-cases illustrate patterns for API fundamentals, advanced functionalities, and even uncommon scenarios.

About the technology
APIs are contracts that define how applications, services, and components communicate. API design patterns provide a shared set of best practices, specifications and standards that ensure APIs are reliable and simple for other developers to use. This book collects and explains the most important patterns from both the API design community and the experts at Google.

About the book
API Design Patterns lays out a set of design principles for building internal and public-facing APIs. Google API expert JJ Geewax presents patterns that ensure your APIs are consistent, scalable, and flexible. You'll improve the design of the most common APIs, plus discover techniques for tricky edge cases. Precise illustrations, relevant examples, and detailed scenarios make every pattern clear and easy to understand.

What's inside
  • Guiding principles for API patterns
  • Fundamentals of resource layout and naming
  • Advanced patterns for special interactions and data transformations
  • A detailed case-study on building an API and adding features

About the reader
For developers building web and internal APIs in any language.

About the author
JJ Geewaxis a software engineer at Google, focusing on Google Cloud Platform, API design, and real-time payment systems. He is also the author of Manning's Google Cloud Platform in Action.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Introduction to APIs
  • 2 Introduction to API design patterns
  • 3 Naming
  • 4 Resource scope and hierarchy
  • 5 Data types and defaults

  • 6 Resource identification
  • 7 Standard methods
  • 8 Partial updates and retrievals
  • 9 Custom methods
  • 10 Long-running operations
  • 11 Rerunnable jobs
  • 12 Singleton sub-resources
  • 13 Cross references
  • 14 Association resources
  • 15 Add and remove custom methods
  • 16 Polymorphism

  • 17 Copy and move
  • 18 Batch operations
  • 19 Criteria-based deletion
  • 20 Anonymous writes
  • 21 Pagination
  • 22 Filtering
  • 23 Importing and exporting

  • 24 Versioning and compatibility
  • 25 Soft deletion
  • 26 Request deduplication
  • 27 Request validation
  • 28 Resource revisions
  • 29 Request retrial
  • 30 Request authentication
Характеристики книги
Вид переплета Мягкий
Год издания 2021
Количество страниц 480
Состояние Новое
Страна издания Украина
Тип поверхности бумаги Матовая
Тип полиграфической бумаги Офсетная
Язык издания Английский

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