Advanced Algorithms and Data Structures. Marcello La Rocca

Advanced Algorithms and Data Structures. Marcello La Rocca

Артикул: PB-007030
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  • 1 269.00грн.

"An accessible introduction to the fundamental algorithms used to run the world." - Richard Vaughan, Purple Monkey Collective

Advanced Algorithms and Data Structures introduces a collection of algorithms for complex programming challenges in data analysis, machine learning, and graph computing.

As a software engineer, you’ll encounter countless programming challenges that initially seem confusing, difficult, or even impossible. Don’t despair! Many of these “new” problems already have well-established solutions. Advanced Algorithms and Data Structures teaches you powerful approaches to a wide range of tricky coding challenges that you can adapt and apply to your own applications. Providing a balanced blend of classic, advanced, and new algorithms, this practical guide upgrades your programming
Характеристики книги
Автор Marcello La Rocca
Вид переплета Мягкий
Издательство Manning
Состояние Новое
Тип поверхности бумаги Матовая
Тип полиграфической бумаги Офсетная
Язык издания Английский

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