Fluent C: Principles, Practices, and Patterns.Christopher Preschern

Fluent C: Principles, Practices, and Patterns.Christopher Preschern

Артикул: PB-007255
Наявність: Є в наявності
  • 677.00грн.

Expert advice on C programming is hard to find. While much help is available for object-oriented programming languages, there's surprisingly little for the C language. With this hands-on guide, beginners and experienced C programmers alike will find guidance about design decisions, including how to apply them bit by bit to running code examples when building large-scale programs.

Christopher Preschern, a leading member of the design patterns community, answers questions such as how to structure C programs, cope with error handling, or design flexible interfaces. Whether you're looking for one particular pattern or an overview of design options for a specific topic, this book shows you how to implement hands-on design knowledge specifically for the C programming language.

You'll find design patterns for:

  • Error handling
  • Returning error information
  • Memory management
  • Returning data from C functions
  • Data lifetime and ownership
  • Flexible APIs
  • Flexible iterator interfaces
  • Organizing files in modular programs
  • Escaping #ifdef Hell

About the Author

Christopher Preschern is a leading member of the design patterns community. He actively takes part in the organization of design pattern conferences and in initiatives to improve pattern writing. As a C programmer at the company ABB he gathered and documented hands-on knowledge on how to write industrial strength code. He lectured at the technical university of Graz courses on coding & quality and he holds a PhD in computer science.

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Рік видання 2022
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