Learning Serverless: Design, Develop, and Deploy with Confidence. 1st Ed. Jason Katzer (english)

Learning Serverless: Design, Develop, and Deploy with Confidence. 1st Ed. Jason Katzer (english)

Видавництво: Author
Артикул: PB-007044
Наявність: Є в наявності
  • 580.00грн.

Whether your company is considering serverless computing or has already made the decision to adopt this model, this practical book is for you. Author Jason Katzer shows early- and mid-career developers what's required to build and ship maintainable and scalable services using this model. With this book, you'll learn how to build a modern production system in the cloud, viewed through the lens of serverless computing. You'll discover how serverless can free you from the tedious task of setting up and maintaining systems in production. You'll also explore new ways to level up your career and design, develop, and deploy with confidence. In three parts, this book includes: The Path to Production: Examine the ins and outs of distributed systems, microservices, interfaces, and serverless architecture and patterns The Tools: Dive into monitoring, observability and alerting, logging, pipelines, automation, and deployment Concepts: Learn how to design security and privacy, how to manage quality through testing and staging, and how to plan for failure
Характеристики книги
ISBN 9781492057017
Автор Jason Katzer
Вид палітурки М'який
Видавництво O’REILLY
Мова видання Англійська
Стан Нове
Тематика Мови та системи програмування
Тип поверхні паперу Матова
Тип поліграфічного паперу Офсетна

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