Python Workout 50 ten-minute exercises. Reuven M. Lerner

Python Workout 50 ten-minute exercises. Reuven M. Lerner

Видавництво: Champion
Артикул: PB-006657
Наявність: Є в наявності
  • 650.00грн.

To become a champion Python programmer you need to work out, building mental muscle with your hands on the keyboard. Each carefully selected exercise in this unique book adds to your Python prowess—one important skill at a time.

about the book

Python Workout presents 50 exercises that focus on key Python 3 features. In it, expert Python coach Reuven Lerner guides you through a series of small projects, practicing the skills you need to tackle everyday tasks. You'll appreciate the clear explanations of each technique, and you can watch Reuven solve each exercise in the accompanying videos.

Характеристики книги
ISBN 9781617295508
Автор Reuven M. Lerner
Вид палітурки М'який
Видавництво Manning
Кількість сторінок 222
Мова видання Англійська
Рік видання 2020
Стан Нове

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