Microservices in Action. Morgan Bruce, Paulo A. Pereira

Microservices in Action. Morgan Bruce, Paulo A. Pereira

Видавництво: Scale
Артикул: PB-006696
Наявність: Є в наявності
  • 550.00грн.

Microservices in Action is a practical book about building and deploying microservice-based applications. Written for developers and architects with a solid grasp of service-oriented development, it tackles the challenge of putting microservices into production.

about the technology

Invest your time in designing great applications, improving infrastructure, and making the most out of your dev teams. Microservices are easier to write, scale, and maintain than traditional enterprise applications because they’re built as a system of independent components. Master a few important new patterns and processes, and you’ll be ready to develop, deploy, and run production-quality microservices.

about the book

Microservices in Action teaches you how to write and maintain microservice-based applications. Created with day-to-day development in mind, this informative guide immerses you in real-world use cases from design to deployment. You’ll discover how microservices enable an efficient continuous delivery pipeline, and explore examples using Kubernetes, Docker, and Google Container Engine.

Характеристики книги
ISBN 9781617294457
Автор Morgan Bruce, Paulo A. Pereira
Вид палітурки М'який
Видавництво Manning
Кількість сторінок 392
Мова видання Англійська
Рік видання 2018
Стан Нове

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