Learning Java. Marc Loy, Patrick Niemeyer, Daniel Leuck

Learning Java. Marc Loy, Patrick Niemeyer, Daniel Leuck

Артикул: PB-006628
Наявність: Є в наявності
  • 850.00грн.

If you’re new to Java—or new to programming—this best-selling book will guide you through the language features and APIs of Java 11. With fun, compelling, and realistic examples, authors Marc Loy, Patrick Niemeyer, and Daniel Leuck introduce you to Java fundamentals—including its class libraries, programming techniques, and idioms—with an eye toward building real applications.

You’ll learn powerful new ways to manage resources and exceptions in your applications—along with core language features included in recent Java versions.

  • Develop with Java, using the compiler, interpreter, and other tools
  • Explore Java’s built-in thread facilities and concurrency package
  • Learn text processing and the powerful regular expressions API
  • Write advanced networked or web-based applications and services
Характеристики книги
ISBN 978-1492056270
Автор Marc Loy, Patrick Niemeyer, Daniel Leuck
Вид палітурки М'який
Мова видання Англійська
Стан Нове

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