Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship. Robert C. Martin

Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship. Robert C. Martin

Видавництво: Result
Артикул: PB-006527
Наявність: Є в наявності
  • 520.00грн.

Clean Code is divided into three parts. The first describes the principles, patterns, and practices of writing clean code. The second part consists of several case studies of increasing complexity. Each case study is an exercise in cleaning up code—of transforming a code base that has some problems into one that is sound and efficient. The third part is the payoff: a single chapter containing a list of heuristics and “smells” gathered while creating the case studies. The result is a knowledge base that describes the way we think when we write, read, and clean code.

Readers will come away from this book understanding

  • How to tell the difference between good and bad code
  • How to write good code and how to transform bad code into good code
  • How to create good names, good functions, good objects, and good classes
  • How to format code for maximum readability
  • How to implement complete error handling without obscuring code logic
  • How to unit test and practice test-driven development

This book is a must for any developer, software engineer, project manager, team lead, or systems analyst with an interest in producing better code

Характеристики книги
Вид палітурки М'який
Видавництво Result
Довжина 170
Кількість сторінок 464
Країна видання Україна
Мова видання Англійська
Рік видання 2008
Стан Нове
Тип поверхні паперу Матова
Тип поліграфічного паперу Офсетна
Ширина 240

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